
The Busselton Kart Club Nomination information

To nominate for all future events you need to open your AIDKA app, and click where it says AIDKA at the top right of the screen.  Select race calendar and you will be redirected.  When the page loads, choose Busselton Kart Club from the drop down menu

and then click on the club run you want to enter i.e. June Club Day.

Click on nominate Entrant

Click on the green + sign to put your entry in

Put in licence number select class, Preferred Kart #, transponder number and field position ie Normal, Probationary or Rear of Field and press the green + then you can add more classes

Read the terms and conditions and tick the box then hit submit nomination – now it should send you to paypal to pay for your entry.

Any issues with nominating please contact the nominations secretary via email on

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